Thursday, February 27, 2014

47 exams

I started school last January. It has been less than 14 months and I have written 47 midterms and final exams since I started. I am pretty burnt out and my energy is definitely on the decline. 4 semesters in a row with no summer break is very, very unhealthy. And un-health is all I study. Disease after disease, pathological processes, risk factors, infectious and non-infectious agents and causes and basically it is all suffering. Everyone in history who has been unfortunate enough to be labeled with one of these many diseases has suffered, some a great deal. I know it is important to know all of this to practice medicine but it is sad and it weighs you down. It changes how you see the world and how you observe others. I want to bring people out of disease or help them to elevate themselves from this state but just knowing disease will not teach me to do this. If I want to make people healthy, at some point I need to learn all I can about health. Learning what isn't English would not help me to learn French. Learning what isn't health wont help me to learn health. Not quite sure how to go about this. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Incorporating Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes

I have been doing a bit of reading on Roger Walsh's therapeutic lifestyle changes. To summarize the basics, incorporating these changes is an effective way (often more effective than conventional forms of therapy) to enable patient well being, benefit their cognitive functioning and even treat some psychopathologies. One of his papers can be found here. The eight changes are...
  1. Time in nature
  2. Relaxation and stress management
  3. Service to others
  4. Relationships
  5. Recreation
  6. Nutrition and diet
  7. Exercise
  8. Spiritual or religious involvement
I am going to attempt to incorporate all of these into my life and see how it goes. Some of these can be challenging. Where will I find time for religious involvement? Not too sure but I suppose starting small and stepping up little by little is the way to go. May plan of acting to begin with will be...
  1. Time in nature- take my son for a walk once a week at one of the nicer parks. He might enjoy getting pulled in a sled. The winter will make this a bit of a challenge. -I wrote this and then we had the ice storm last night and there are trees and branches down everywhere, blocking and threatening to crush anyone on the paths. I guess I will have to come up with something else or wait until spring.
  2. Relaxation and stress management- Meditate once a day for about 10 minutes. 
  3. Service to others- I don't even know where to start here. I once was very involved with volunteer work but usually through various organizations. I try to help people at school as much as I can. I think I will start publishing some of my notes so they are accessible to anyone who needs them. This is kind of a cop out though so I will add something when I think of it.   
  4. Relationships- got lots, I'll work on the ones I have.
  5. Recreation- Start taking my son swimming regularly, this is exercise and stress relief too. 
  6. Nutrition and diet- Eating more and eating lots of fat and protein to get my weight back up (exams just peel off the pounds) then I will concentrate on nutrient dense foods and making more stuff from scratch. 
  7. Exercise- 20 minutes of yoga a day, or at the very least 10 minutes. This should be manageable. 
  8. Spiritual or religious involvement- currently in research mode. I am looking to experience something different that is close by. Currently in the research phase, I would like to find a faith with a good fit. 
I'm not sure if I will be able to do all this, it will be a step-by-step process. But I think it makes sense to attempt this before I try to prescribe such sweeping changes when I am eventually in practice. Better to work out the kinks on myself.  

Smoking Kid - Best Anti-Smoking Ad I've Seen

      I think I understand why some people smoke (though I am sure there are a wide variety of reasons). At times when I am at my most stressed I feel like standing outside with a cigarette might be just what I need to calm me down enough to keep studying. I don't smoke, my husband would be pretty upset and I don't want my son to see me. But I think I get it, life can be difficult and some people just need something to keep them going and then it's addictive. We live in a culture where indulging in naughty pleasures is glorified, it is the premise of many a chocolate commercial. Most of the anti-smoking ads piss me off because they are too judgmental and shaming people to do what you want is never acceptable. This one did not seem like it was shaming though there was an aspect of guilt included. It seemed more like they were trying to get across that the smoking adults lives mattered too and that these people need to quit for their own reasons. That is what I took from it anyway. And people really do need to quit for their own reasons, in their own way and when they are ready. I tried to convince 3 people to quit smoking so far. I wasn't successful with any of them, though I know one of them quit, I also know it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with their own motivation.    

     When people smoke to deal with stress it is extra unfortunate because there are so many great ways to deal with stress. Meditations are my go to stress busting practice but yoga (free videos on YouTube) also works. Exercise in general is good for reducing stress, treating depression (potentially better then herbs and drugs) and is just great for overall health. The smell of lavender is soothing enough to reduce stress sometimes but engaging in a loved hobby is sure to help. I think stress management should be taught to everyone in high school. It seems like it would be a good time to experiment with what techniques work individually so teens are less inclined to experiment with tobacco and other things. Teens are under more stress than ever before and if we don't teach them how to handle it, someone else might be all to happy to.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Empathy vs. Sympathy

We talk about the difference between empathy and sympathy all the time in different classes. It is important to practice with empathy and understanding instead of sympathy or pity. No one likes it when people feel sorry for them. Empathy can really enhance a therapeutic relationship. I am really looking forward to the counselling side of this profession. People are so interesting, I feel really lucky that I get to learn all about people and that I will have the time to do that. Some people might see it as taking on other peoples "problems" but you get to know people, like really know them and their lives, their motivation, how they think and you get to be there for them and help them. That is just amazing.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Unofficial Case Study: Garlic Oil Rapidly Cures Ear Infection

     I learned last semester from one of my favorite profs that you can easily cure ear infections (aka Otitis Media if you want to sound smart) with garlic oil. So my husband decided to try it out when he had an ear infection. It was the perfect ear infection to try, he could feel soreness from his throat, up the eustation tube and into his ear. We crushed up some garlic in some olive oil, strained out the garlic pieces and added a drop or two to that ear 3 times the first day and once the next morning. He didn't need anymore after that as the infection cleared up completely. He had to lie with the infected ear up for a few minutes after each application to make sure it got in there. It will drip out a little once you sit up depending on how much you put in. My prof said the oil stays good in the fridge for about two weeks so it is necessary to make fresh stuff for each infection.

I thought it might be good for more people to know about this because MD's are not giving antibiotics for ear infections much anymore. This is good because the prescription antibiotics don't seem to help ear infections anyway. Garlic is technically an antibiotic and it works. I suspect it works because it is delivered very close to the site of infection. The eardrum is in the way but stuff diffuses through membranes all the time.

I'll see about finding some studies to support this. I haven't looked yet but I suppose I should. There is a lot of talk about ear infections being caused by allergies which I will try to discuss in the future when I know more.

Welcome to Just Get More Healthy!

There is a lot of health information out there. Some of it is mind bendingly awesome and a bunch of it is insanely stupid. It will be my job, in about three years, to separate the awesome from the stupid. At this time I am NOT a doctor, not yet. But I will be in about 3 years. Nothing on this site should be considered health advice. It's here for information and education purposes only. And kind of a way to help me study. I learn a lot of neat stuff that I feel should be common knowledge so this is going to be my way of spreading it. Feel encouraged to ask your health care provider about anything that I post. I will do my best to post references but this is a hobby for me so it will depend on time. I will also try therapies out myself and report on what happens. You can not get a clear understanding of what your patients are going through if you don't try a few things here and there.

I am currently a Naturopathic Medicine student at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Though I really like the program and my school, the work load is a bit crazy and I am kept insanely busy. I also have a little boy and a husband which takes my remaining time and keeps me sane. Given the hecticness of my life, I am less than perfect health wise so I strive to find realistic ways to stay healthy. If you have questions about anything I post, I will do my best to answer them by email. I may take some time to get back to you with an answer but I will do what I can.